Tuesday, October 14, 2008

More pictures!

the staples where I bought my photo paper

route 2


going through a green light

from different parking lot

long shutter speed of tv




I took both pictures with a shutter speed of thirty seconds, so both pictures show the movement of light. I took the first picture in my car while I drove around the rotary and left it. Although the camera was on a tripod the movement of the car jarred the camera; this created the jagged lines of light. The range of lines gives the picture the feeling of variety, as well as the jagged quality of the lines. You can see the curve of the rotary in the top three lines, which were the streetlights that encircled the rotary. The second was taken from the roof of my car in a nearby parking lot. I waited for a steady stream of cars to enter the rotary from Route 2. My goal in this picture was for the tail lights of the cars to blur into a smooth red curve around the rotary. If you look at the background of the picture you can also see the white line of headlights waiting to enter the rotary from the opposite end. The smooth curve of red gives a sense of harmony to the picture, especially when compared to the sharp jagged lines of the first picture.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Color #4











Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 1 and 2

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

For this image the dominant feature is the window frame. The screen is also in sharper focus than the road which blurs the road even more.
The frame cuts through the train station bringing the focus away from the station and road.
In the background the cars are just beginning to accelerate which blurs the background further. The frame is still the dominant object of this picture.
The frame is partially out of the picture which gives the image more balance.
The screen and sill are the dominant images in this picture. The screen makes the train platform more or less unrecognizable.
Unlike the last image the focus in on the platform. The screen acts more like a filter when the camera is not focused on it.
The sill is only mildly more dominant than the train station in this picture.
I choose to shoot my images through a window on the third floor of Smith Hall. My images are of the train station and Huntington Ave. I used both the screen and window frame as part of the pictures.
Edit- I used the principle of dominance. In my pictures I shifted the dominance from my window sill, which bisects some of the pictures, to the street and train platform below. Specifically in the fourth and eight image there is minimal dominance. I used focus and placement to create emphasis on aspects of the picture, such as the window sill or the street below.